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DES 231 Blog 6

Writer's picture: Aaron LeeAaron Lee

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Reflect back on the last three week’s case studies. Referencing some of the ideas in this week's readings or lecture, discuss how a specific case study could be modified to better align with your own values/worldview.

My case studies include the iPhone, smog free building, and Nike space Hippie and audio tooth implant.

The smog-free building is designed to reduce the influence of smog on Earth. Smog is one of the issues with climate, and no major solution has been created yet. However, if smog free building is installed here and there, it can have beneficial effects in many places. Now that smog is one of the most popular issues in the 21st century, smog free building is one of the transition designs.

Nike space hippies are made from paper and have a very high recycling rate. It is made of a space waste thread, which is made of water bottles and T-shirts. We can reduce the carbon impact a little bit because of this. So, Nike space hippie is one of the transition designs because it designed it with a problem that exists now.

The iPhone was developed by Apple in 2007 and became the starting point for a design that completely changed people's minds. Also, with the advent of the iPhone, Apple has become a leader in UX/Ui design, drawing more attention. So the iPhone is one of the representative speculative designs.

The audio tooth implant was invented to make portability more convenient. This invention came from the popularity of cell phones at that time. It is used by planting implants in teeth and using electronic radio waves to use communication devices. So it is known as one of the speculative designs.

Some of these designs are already well known to the world and among people. Some designs came out, but only a few people know them. However, all of these designs belong to speculative and transitional designs, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. What this shows is that the perspective of design varies depending on the times. Nick Hipper and Smog free building were recently created, designed to understand and solve contemporary problems, and iPhone and audio implant were transition designs, but they were developed in 2010 as ideas for the time period. Therefore, we can see that the times influence people's design and that ideas differ according to the situation.

Each person has various thoughts and ideas and various cultures. Even when we see the same thing, we think, and the way we see and feel is very different. "Many words are walked in the world. Many worlds are made. Many worlds make us." (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, 1996). So the world is created by us, and the world is changing us. So the world is coexisting for people, and we are reborn and re-corrected. Therefore, design can work better for everyone rather than for individuals. Also, by collaborating and communicating with others, you can know other people's thoughts and differences with yourself and develop more.


Jones. R, (2020, Jun, 10). Nike's New Sustainable Sneakers Are Made of Trash. Sole Collector.

Audio Tooth Implant (n.d.). Audio Tooth Implant. auger-loizeau.

Sharma, S. (2021, Jan, 9). Birth of a True Smartphone: 14 Years Since the First Apple iPhone. the quint.

Kickstarter. (n.d.). The Smog Free Tower.

Tyler, Nix. "Family". Unsplash. 29. Nov. 2017,

Jocke, Wulcan. 'Development". Unsplash. 28, Feb. 2019.

Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. “Cuarta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona” [Fourth declaration of the Lacandón jungle]. January 1, 1996. http://enlacezapatista­declaracion-­de-­la-­selva-­lacandona/

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