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  • Writer's pictureAaron Lee

DES 231

As a first step, I listed and thought about what equipment I would use to experience the XR world in the future of 2060. It has been concluded that in the future, it will be made so that people can enter or detach the body to carry around easily.

In the future, it was concluded that people would use nano chips to access the XR world. And for design, I came to think about how future children would approach the XR world. I've made storyboards, short timelines, and nano chips with the conclusion that XR nano chips will be recognized by the body from the moment they are born and will gradually adapt to them.

I came up with 30 ideas to solve these problems. There are similar ideas and new ideas exist.

Finally, the nanorobot was chosen, and it thought of some material, shape, color, function, etc., and intensively searched for Moodboard and nanorobot photos. And based on that, I sketched my own nanorobot.

As a result, I succeeded in designing a nanorobot and was able to create it in the direction I was relaxed.

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