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  • Writer's pictureAaron Lee

DES 231 Blog 3

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Transition Design

Transition Design is an approach that addresses many of the 'bad' problems faced by society in the 21st century, including climate change, forced migration, political and social polarization, global pandemic, and the absence of affordable housing/medical/education (Transition Design Seminar 2021. n.d.). (1) The Transition Design Framework provides the logic to bring together discipline-wide knowledge, skills, and practices related to understanding, sowing and facilitating system-level changes. The transition design framework summarizes 1) vision; 2) theory of change; 3) mindset & posture; 4) new design methods: four areas of mutual reinforcement and coevolution of knowledge, behavior, and introspection (School of Design, 2015). The transition design is experimental and radical but acceptable to the general public. It also wants to transform our society into a more sustainable future and gives people hope that the future can be better.

The advantage of conversion design is that you can get other people's ideas because you draw up a design plan with accurate information. "Draw(s) on knowledge and wish from the past to conceptual solutions in the present with future generations in mind" (Irwin et al., 2015) so it can be designed with a considerable breadth. So I can quickly come up with a design idea.

A disadvantage of transition design is the creation of design ideas. It is highly likely that ideas overlap with other people because they design with factual information. So it can be an idea battle between people, and it can only make a small change to develop the idea a little bit more.

Both Transition design and spectacular design look into the future, but they are not the same. Speculative design is included in the probable future and plausible future section.

Transition design is related to the problems we face, such as the economy, climate, politics, and healthcare. I think it's similar to the Sustainable development goal. However, a specific design is different from a transition design. In the same way, you can look at the future and design, but assume that you think there will be a problem in the future and think that you are designing. Therefore, to summarize my thoughts, if transition design is to design the future through the present, I think speculative design is to design what will happen in the future in the future in advance.

However, I think there is a possibility that the transition design and speculative design will be combined. Speculative design is abstract because it has unclear information. The transition design is realistic because it requires a lot of information and evidence. Thus, if these two designs are combined, they can obtain information through conversion designs and create better designs by adding abstract ideas to speculative designs.

Smog Free tower

(kickstarter, n.d.)

The Smog Free Tower was created by Daan Roosegaarde’s campaign of Smog free project, the goal of this design is to produce smog-free air in public space (Studio Roosegaarde, n.d.). Other sources included virgin hyperloop, future craft strung. Both materials were great designs and ideas, but I liked smog free tower the most. Because the smog-free tower has an idea that is very similar to the smart home and cities' project that I did last year, and I think it is an idea that thinks more about the future than the other two.

Smog-free is what most people in the world want in common. Smog is one of the leading causes of environmental pollution and affects climate change. If this is realized worldwide, a smog-free place will be found everywhere. However, it is not yet perfect. Because the smog-free tower is so large that the place is limited, and the place where it can be affected by it is not perfect yet. I think it is necessary to make it simple to develop it. It would be the best choice if you could carry it around, but if it's hard, reducing the size of a smog-free tower could be away. Also, it would be better to use this in a beneficial place rather than just absorbing it. For example, converting smog into energy is good for the environment and has a beneficial effect on us all.

The smog has yet to be fully resolved. Alternative energy is used, recycled, or tried in many ways, but it is not enough. Still, I think it's better to use natural energy than to absorb smog. This is because continuing to use existing energy does not solve the fundamental problem.


School of Design. (2015). Transition Design 2015. Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh.

Transition Design Seminar 2021. (n.d.). About Transition Design.

Kickstarter. (n.d.). The Smog Free Tower.

Studio Roosegaarde. (n.d.). Smog Free Tower World's first smog vacuum cleaner which creates clean air parks.

Irwin, T. (2018, Jun). “The Emerging Transition Design Approach.” ResearchGate.

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