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  • Writer's pictureAaron Lee

DES 231 Blog 1

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

What are the key features of Speculative design? How does it differ from the design frameworks you’ve encountered on the Design programme so far?

Speculative design is a design method addressing big societal problems and looking towards the future, and creating products and services for those scenarios (Tony. Ho. T, 2019). Starting with the “what if?” question and figure out what happens in the future, and then divide the future into four stages: probable, plausible, possible, preferable future, to view the problems that arise in society from a critical point of future scenarios (Tony. Ho. T, 2019). Therefore, it is necessary to think in many ways, such as information about the present, people's thoughts, and prospects for this matter. This information is the basis for the future and sets the direction of the multilateral.

Dunne and Raby argue that reality will be more flexible if we make more guesses about everything. Ideas liberated by speculative design increase the probability of achieving a desirable future (Anthony, D., Fiona, R, n.d.). Therefore, speculative design means solving the present and turning the future into a more desirable shape rather than just solving the present.

The difference between design (that I encountered on the design program) and speculative design was the design that I learned was developing for the user, such as students, children, friends, or family. However, speculative design can say, “this design is for A design that explores and criticizes social phenomena, problems. And I think it's a design that not only criticizes but also suggests alternatives for a better future. But when we think about it closely, we just don't know the word, but we do know that we have some access to this design. I wanted to change the future into a desirable shape by developing the design in various ways and fixing the present.

What are the strengths/limitations of this mode of design?

The positive idea about speculative design is that it helps me to find new ideas. Conversations can transfer something from simple ideas to materiality or something related to the real world. Ideas can be obtained from anywhere, anywhere, and can also be defined as a transmitted, non-wrong design that challenges possibilities. Speculative design can share various ideas with many people and create active communication by imagining them together. That's how you get ideas from other people's perspectives. As you think about the future, you will also have time to look back on the past and the present. Designers can design the only design with more purpose.

The downside is that the design should be tried in many ways, not in one direction. It can take a long time because it is a design that requires a lot of creativity, and there is no fixed answer. Aside from finding the right answer, it may not be possible to make it due to a lack of technical skills. But the results cannot always be good. Communication with people may lead to unintended consequences, and the situation may get worse because there is no correct design. Then, an unintended design was born, resulting in a design that is not needed by users or designers.

However, this design is essential for designers' creativity and development because it can bring many changes by thinking and designing the future.

Audio tooth implant

The goal of this design is to make the conversation more comfortable. Based on the cultural phenomenon of mobile phones, we were revolutionizing human communication at the time (2001), and we wanted to convey the concept of meeting the aspirations of modern people (Audio Tooth Implant, n.d.). Now that technology has increased, it is possible that more developments or ideas have been made.

Conversation devices are recognized in teeth, and these provide a kind of electronic telepathy as sound information resonates directly into consciousness. (Audio Tooth Implant, n.d.). Audio Tooth Implant is more sparse and simpler than conventional conversation devices because it is recognized in teeth.

Speculative design is designed to predict what will happen in the future, so Audio Tooth Implant is designed to anticipate the development of convenience in future cell phones. Audio Tooth Implant is a design that is designed to predict such a future and is fully developed and realistic.

The downside of this design is that it is possible to recognize a dialogue device in the teeth, but no matter how much it is an Audio Tooth Implant, the electromagnetic waves that come out are good for the health of the human body. No matter how convenient it is, it is hard to say that it is a successful design if it is too much for the body. However, the advantage is that it is a new challenge in design. I would say it is innovative. The design is well made for convenience, and I think it is worth wearing if it is not too much for the body.

If I think that I am developing design, I need to approach it more technically because it is an invention related to technology rather than design. So I think it's a good idea to attach it next to your ear as a detachable method or to use earrings to make the call easier.


Edho Pratama. "Design". Unsplash. 14. Oct. 2016,

Audio Tooth Implant (n.d.). Audio Tooth Implant. auger-loizeau.

Anthony, D., Fiona, R. (n.d.). Speculative Everything. Mitpress.

Tony Ho, T. (2019, Apr, 8). Speculative design: 3 examples of design fiction. Invision.

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